Welcome to our blog. We are a class of year 0-1 students (5-6 yr olds) at Hope Primary School in New Zealand. Our teacher is Mrs Ross and this blog is a journal of our learning experiences while we are here in Room 3.
Did you go to the A and P show? If you did you might have seen some of our entries in the children's section in Redwood Hall. We all entered some decorated biscuits, sand saucers and some novelty vegetables. Here are some of our sand saucers....
Last term when we paid a visit to Pinegrove Kindergarten. We liked playing on the the pirate plank they had created in their playground. Room 3 visits Pinegrove Kindy When we returned to school we all wrote letters to Mr P our Principal asking him if we could have a pirate plank like that in our school playground. Have a read of our letters Unfortunately it has taken us a long time for everything to come together in order to make our plank and we had a school production that took up most of the beginning of this term but Mrs Ross kept saying "Yes it was going to happen" and we just waited very patiently!! So on Friday this week we were finally able to build it.
This has been a big project for us in Room 3 Thank-you to David's family who donated and delivered the big tractor tyre and thanks to 'Jacks Tyres' in Richmond who gave us and also delivered the smaller tyres we needed and Mr P came up with the plank and cut it to the right length. Yee Ha!!
Today Hope School had a visit from Kori the penguin from the ASB Aquatic Centre. Kori was making sure we knew how to be safe around the water. Our school pool is getting re-surfaced and painted at the moment but very soon we will be able to go swimming in it. Hopefully it will be warm enough.
Life has just been super busy lately. We have all been involved in the creation of our school production. This year our production is based on the Dr Seuss story of Green Eggs and Ham. We are putting it on during week 5. Every child in the school has a part to play in it and it's coming together well. Tickets will be on sale at our school office from this Monday. See you there.