Friday, December 20, 2013

School Ends 2013

Well the 2013 school year in Room 3 has come to an end. Thanks for visiting our class Blog over the year and for sharing in our learning experiences.
 I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season.
Remember the best present you can give your kids this Christmas is .....Time.
See you all back at school on the 10th of February 2014.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Last Days of School...Fun Fun Fun!

One of the fun events we had at Hope School to mark the end of the year was an "Obstitry".......
.. a series of obstacles that we all had to try. We had to run, climb or jump and go over, under or through various obstacles set out around our school grounds. Here are a few photos of some of us attempting some obstacles.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mrs Hall is Retiring from Classroom Teaching

These are only some of the children Mrs Hall has taught during her more than 30 years at Hope School (of course most of them have since moved on). We have had a great week of remembering and celebrating with Mrs Hall. We wish her a very happy and long retirement.
Can you see Mrs Hall in this photo??

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Windy Day

This week we read a book called "Windy Day" The King in the story lost his crown when the wind blew it away. We all made a crown and ours didn't blow away.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Crazy Dress Up Day

As part of education in a broad sense, from time to time we undertake activities designed to make our students aware of how fortunate they are and provide opportunities to support those less fortunate. With this is mind we had a Barbecue and a Crazy Dress Up Day this week to raise money for the people who had been affected by the Typhoon in the Philippines.
Crazy Dress Up Day

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Our Entries for The Nelson A and P Show

We worked hard on our creativity on Friday when we produced Decorated Cupcakes, Vege Creations and Sand Saucers to enter into the A and P Show. What an amazing time we all had.
I hope you all got along to the show to have a look at the wonderful display.
If you couldn't get there... have a look at the following three slide shows...

Only one of our cupcakes were entered in the show...we ate the other one!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 5 Discovery Time

Friday, November 8, 2013

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Visit To The Library

Monday, November 4, 2013

Today our shared reading was another great online story book called 'Richie the Greedy Mouse' This story is about a mouse who keeps eating and gets fatter and fatter. Finally he gets so fat that he almost couldn't fit back into his hole when the big Ginger Cat comes....

When we had read the book we got some play dough and each made a big fat Richie Mouse ...Take a look.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Discovery Time 1-11-13

Monday, October 21, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tennis Skills

Look at how much fun we had learning some tennis skills this week...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Jump Jam

We have been practicing a couple of new jump jam routines so we can share them with our school community at our Country Bazaar. Jump Jam is a lot of fun and if you come along to this event on the 21st of September you too can join in...See you there between 10am and 2pm. There will be lots to do and see.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reuben's Dragon

This week the 'Grasshoppers' reading group read a book called "Don't Throw That Out" it is a book about a girl who collects up lots of boxes that no-one wants and she makes a dragon out of them.

So at Discovery Time on Friday Reuben collected up some boxes and made his own dragon!

               Well done Reuben you worked hard on your dragon and it looks great!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kellens Photos

A few weeks ago Kellen's Mum told me about a Pukeko nest that was on their driveway. Take a look at the photos she was able to get of the nest of eggs and see if you can see the little babies that eventually hatched...I think you did very well Michelle, to get the photo of the babies! There is also a photo of Kellen and his friend with some possums they had caught.
Kellen also received a trophy for being player of the day in Rugby. He brought the trophy into school to show us....well done Kellen.

More Discovery Time Fun

This term at Discovery time we have been learning to:

-Look after school equipment
-Persevere at a task...keep trying and trying
-Take turns...share 
-All help tidy up

We are all getting much better at learning these things and having soooooo much fun in the process.

Discovery Time from Room 3 on Vimeo.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Our beans

The first of our beans are starting to wasn't quite as fast as Jacks!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wyatt's new puppy

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beans, Beans, Beans

Working together and showing perseverance at Discovery Time...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Pretend Stories

We have been reading a lot of Hairy Maclary stories lately and we decided to make up some of our own.
Have a look and a listen to Reuben's and Angus'.

Kellen went to "What Now"

Kellen stayed a few days in Christchurch last week and on Sunday he had to get up at 5am to get ready and make it to the whitebait TV studio by 7am. He told us all about his time in the studio and some of the fun things he did. Have a look at these photos that his mum sent us...

The photos are taken with the hosts. Gemma , Adam and Ronnie. The name of the gorilla is Camilla. Kellen was really good so he got to bring one home.

Kellen, it sounds like you had an amazing adventure. Mrs Ross

Monday, August 19, 2013

Olivia's Story

Olivia has been learning to use interesting words in her stories. Have a look and a listen to her fabulous work. This story was written after reading a story about a witch whose broom stick broke...

Friday, August 16, 2013

Discovery Time

Discovery Time from Room 3 on Vimeo.

Have a look and listen to Rebecca's Story about Discovery Time this week. We made this story on PuppetPals on the iPad.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Bother we didn't win anything...

Sometime ago Room 3 and Room 4 entered an illustrated story competition promoting cycle safety and the wearing of a helmet ..."No Helmet-No Brain".
You can view our entries in an earlier post  here on our blog. The winners have recently been made public and unfortunately we didn't win anything but if you would like to see the competition winners in all categories   click here.
Thanks to all our supporters who voted in the peoples choice options. Even though none of us won anything we still had a lot of fun trying!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Our Museum Trip to Learn about a wonderful author and illustrator Dame Lynley Dodd

We had a great session with Nicky at the Museum today. There were loads of Hairy Maclary books and some wonderful art work to look at. Lynley Dodd is certainly a very talented lady!
Thanks again to our wonderful parent helpers who provided transport and gave up there time to help us learn more about some of our favourite book characters. "Hairy Maclary and all of his friends"

Friday, August 9, 2013

Discovery Time

Yet again we enjoyed another successful Discovery Time ...making Lemonade with Kellen's Mum was a big hit with the children....Yum! Thanks Michelle for your help.

Making Lemonade

Dressing up and pretending with the phones.

Investigations with a magnifying glass or painting.

Building with kliko

Friday, August 2, 2013

Discovery Time

Did you know Hairy Maclary is 30 years old?

Hairy Maclary is having his 30th Birthday this year. We have been looking and reading many of the Hairy Maclary stories and will soon be going to the Nelson Museum to visit the exhibition of Lynley Dodd's Hairy Maclary stories and some original art. Olivia's family has a soft toy of Hairy Maclary and she brought him in to spend the day with us in Room 3. 

The author and illustrator of the Hairy Maclary stories Dame Lynley Dodd is having a book signing between 10am and 12pm on the 10 August at page & Blackmore in Nelson. Maybe you would like to take your precious Hairy Maclary Book there to get signed.

Hairy Maclary is in the middle of the picture.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Our First Discovery Time

We had a 'Discovery Time' session at school today. It was very successful. Discovery time is all about the children engaging in learning in a structured play type environment. There is always a focus on one or more of the the Key Competencies. Todays focus was on "Looking after Equipment" and our Discovery time today involved the whole school.
Next term Room 3 will be holding Discovery Times once a week on a Friday. The children were very excited to be involved in this type of learning today and I am very much looking forward to more of it in the future.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Leaves, leaves, leaves...

A couple of weeks ago we had some fun with leaves...for the past few weeks we have been working on making a book of our experiences on the iPad. We drew some pictures, wrote a story and most of us recorded our voice reading our stories.
 Click on the link below to see our story book. We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it.

  Our Leaf Story Book

Thursday, June 27, 2013

When Mya was sick....

Mya wrote about what it was like when she couldn't come to school.

Car Stories

We created cars on the computers this week and wrote a story about them. Have a listen to some of our stories.



Friday, June 21, 2013

A Visitor to Room 3

Tyler's mum brought Tyler's new bunny to school to show us. What a little cutie. Tyler has called it Buttons. Tyler told us he feeds it carrots, rabbit pellets and water.We liked feeling its soft fur.

We have been learning all about shapes. We had fun making some shapes on the floor with our bodies.





We made robots...

This week we learnt how to make our own robots using the computers

Then we had to name them, print them out and wrote stories about is a small selection of our work.

My robot has a love heart and it has a phone on it. My robot helps me tidy my room.

I help my robot clean my room.

My robot is a special robot

"I made a robot. It is a girl. It is Crystal," said Mya.