Thursday, September 26, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Tennis Skills

Look at how much fun we had learning some tennis skills this week...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Jump Jam

We have been practicing a couple of new jump jam routines so we can share them with our school community at our Country Bazaar. Jump Jam is a lot of fun and if you come along to this event on the 21st of September you too can join in...See you there between 10am and 2pm. There will be lots to do and see.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reuben's Dragon

This week the 'Grasshoppers' reading group read a book called "Don't Throw That Out" it is a book about a girl who collects up lots of boxes that no-one wants and she makes a dragon out of them.

So at Discovery Time on Friday Reuben collected up some boxes and made his own dragon!

               Well done Reuben you worked hard on your dragon and it looks great!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Kellens Photos

A few weeks ago Kellen's Mum told me about a Pukeko nest that was on their driveway. Take a look at the photos she was able to get of the nest of eggs and see if you can see the little babies that eventually hatched...I think you did very well Michelle, to get the photo of the babies! There is also a photo of Kellen and his friend with some possums they had caught.
Kellen also received a trophy for being player of the day in Rugby. He brought the trophy into school to show us....well done Kellen.

More Discovery Time Fun

This term at Discovery time we have been learning to:

-Look after school equipment
-Persevere at a task...keep trying and trying
-Take turns...share 
-All help tidy up

We are all getting much better at learning these things and having soooooo much fun in the process.

Discovery Time from Room 3 on Vimeo.