Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Try- athlon Hope School

Yesterday morning we all took part in our Hope School Tryathlon.
The focus for us in Room 3 was to "Give it a Go"
I think all the children enjoyed themselves as they raced around the course running, biking or in the pool swimming. Many of them had a smile on their face from the start to the finish line.
Thanks to all of our parents who came along to support their children and helped out at the transitions. We really appreciate your help at these events.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Room 3 and 4's Swimming Celebration

On Friday our parents came along to watch our swimming demonstration with Room 4. The water was a bit cooler than it had been in past weeks but the children were amazing and displayed all their great learning.

Ordering numbers

Week 4 Discovery Time

This weeks activities....Water colour painting, water play, construction, ping pong balls and bats, as well as more popsicle stick road creating...

Monday, February 19, 2018

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Something New

We have started using "Seesaw" in Room 3 and the children now have their own Learning Journals to share with their families. I have also been assessing whether Seesaw has a place on our class Blog this is a short video I took using the Seesaw app on Friday during Discovery Time.

I do have more photos of Our Discovery session but unfortunately I left my camera at school!
(Thats one positive for Seesaw already as everything would be online in my own journal for me to add to the Blog easily)    Always learning!

Here are the photos.
Our activities were....making roads, Aim and Splash, Painting, Plastercine, and Straw pictures.
We were again looking at using our manners and managing ourselves.


Thursday, February 15, 2018

Learning to throw a ball using an 'underarm' throw

Bryony comes in every week from NCLI (No Child Left Inside) and we learn many fundamental skills during her visits. This week she was teaching us how to throw a ball using and underarm throw.
Then later in the day we played bucket ball to use those same skills again.


Snakes and Ladders

We have been learning how to play 'snakes and ladders' some of us already knew how to play (so we had some experts) and others had never played it before. Sorting out which way to go along the line after going up a ladder was a bit tricky but with support we all ended up having a great game.


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Swimming Fun


We are swimming everyday and our school pool is so warm.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Taylor's Weta's

Today Taylor brought in some Weta's he had found while stacking the fire wood.

Aren't they amazing!


Friday, February 9, 2018

Discovery Time again

These short weeks are great!
We have had another Discovery Time today....what fun!

Todays activities were: Ice and paint, stencil drawing, puppets, pet rocks, construction with boxes, and time with Taylor's baby chicks.

We are working on "Managing Ourselves"....Today we were looking at using manners....
This will probably be our focus next week too.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Discovery Time

Discovery Time is one of our favourite times at Hope School. It is where we get to practise lots of life skills.
The  Life Skill we are looking at this term is 'Managing Ourselves' and today we were specifically looking at the skill of 'Making good choices'.
The activities we had were: Planting seeds to watch them germinate, Water play, Flip boards with bean bags, Making patterns with gems and Playing with the blocks.