Friday, November 30, 2018

Our School Production....."Rock Bottom Rock"s was a real hit.

In our recent school production all Room 3 children were... 'Growlers' (little cavemen)
They did a fabulous job and really enjoyed themselves. The show was very popular and everyone who went said it was great. Well done everyone who made it a great show.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Our creations for the A and P show.

Have a look at our decorated biscuits and our sand saucers that we made...
You can see these and others at the Richmond Show Grounds this weekend.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Shapes Shapes Everywhere!

Look at some of the places we found shapes at Hope School.



We have been learning to sew.
We chose the picture we wanted to have and cut it out from a piece of felt. Then we had to place it where we wanted it on our background. Mrs Ross chose a non slip background which meant the felt wouldn't slip when we were sewing it in place. Once the main picture was sewn on we had to think about what we wanted to have in the background and sew that on too. Afterwards some of us wanted to stick some sparkly things on but others chose just to leave them as they were.

A lot of children had never sewn anything before so there was soooo much to learn. We had some parent helpers come in for a couple of sessions (thank-you ladies) to guide them in their work but the children did all of the sewing and cutting themselves! Our school value this term is creativity and I think all of the children displayed their creative side during this project. Also our Life Skill that we are focusing on is 'Participating and Contributing....part of that is "Giving things a go" and having a "Can Do" attitude. I have to commend all of these children because there was not one of them that gave up when it got hard.
Well done Room 3 you kept trying and didn't give up!! You can be very proud of your sewing work.
These items are being entered into the A and P show next never know one of them might win a ribbon. Maybe you can pop along to the A and P show at the Richmond Show Grounds (24th and 25th November) and take a look at these and other entries from children at Hope School.

Learning about 'Reflection'

In Room 3 we are exploring shapes....shapes we have discovered are everywhere!

As well as looking at the different characteristics of the shapes, today we used them to create reflecting patterns.
Some of us used the edge of the carpet squares as our mirror line and some used a line of tape....take a look at our amazing reflecting patterns.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Discovery Time Week 4

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Chickens, chickens, everywhere...

When someone comes to me and says they have a box of chickens in the car.... would I like them to bring the box into class for the kids to see them... of course I say "Yes that would be great"...I've had chickens in the class before... plenty of times. So hard bad can it be 6 or 8 one day old chicks...Easy!

Little did I know there was 112 baby chicks in the box!!!


It was the most incredible noise and the kids loved it! The next time someone asks me to bring in a box of chickens I might just ask how many that is. He he it was so funny.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Our wonderful Reading Gran has retired from helping us in Room 3.

 Our wonderful reading Gran, "Sue" has decided it is time to hang up her hat from volunteering in Room 3 and Hope School. Gran has been in class with me and the children for about 5 and a half years. She has been a huge asset, she has sat on the couch with kids cuddled up to her, reading stories two mornings a week. She has helped me with phonics/word testing, put away all our little reading books, sharpened pencils, cleaned up mess, been a huge help at baking times, and has generally helped with any class times I could not have done without her. She has really taken an interest in all of the children in Room 3 over the years and I have really valued the time she has given to them.
Thanks Sue we will miss you.

Being Firewise

We have been learning what to do if there is a fire.  We know that we need to get out of the house FAST!
If there is smoke we know we need to.... "GET DOWN, GET LOW and GET OUT FAST!!
We had a real Fireman come and chat about fire safety.


Learning the skill of sprinting.

At our athletics lesson with Bryony this week we learnt that we needed to pump our arms if we want to run fast.
We practised running fast using the ladders.