Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dancing fun!

Over the next couple of weeks we are joining in with Room 4 to have some dance lessons. Mark is taking us through our steps and we are all learning some great moves. We will be performing two dances on the last day of the term. Hope you will be able to come along and watch our performance.

This first video is a small snippet of our Hip Hop dance.

This is the PYT dance. For this dance we work with a partner.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Discovery Time week 8

This weeks activities were: Cup Stacking, Play dough, creating roads for the cars with popsicle sticks, Skittles and Making a rocket ship.
There was lots of Participating and Contributing today. There was lots of team work today as they did some of their creating.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


We finally got our first tennis session. Due to the rainy weather last week we couldn't start tennis.
 But today it was all on. Yay!

What do you think of our fish pictures?

We also made smaller fish pictures which will be made into calendars for 2018.


Our Colour Poems

We wrote colour poems and have made some pretty collage borders for them.


Sunday, September 10, 2017

Discovery Time T3 Wk 7

This weeks activities were: Fun in the sand pit, Making daffodils, Collage fish, Chalk pictures and Lego. We were practising our Participating and Contributing skills.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Discovery Time T3 Wk 6

This week we were making bird feeders, father's day cards, and loom band bracelets. We were also playing giant dominos, and doing maths investigations.
 Our life skill that we were practising was "Having a Go" Some of us found making loom band bracelets challenging but we gave it a go and showed great perseverance.


Hula Hooping fun

We were learning how to hula hoop this week.