Sunday, March 31, 2019

Some visitors

This week for Discovery Time we joined together with Room 4. We also had some visitors from Pinegrove Kindy and Stoke Montessori.
We all enjoyed meeting each other and making new friends.


Friday, March 22, 2019

Discovery time Week 8

Today we had the Makey Makey sets, blocks with mirrors, playdough, dress-ups and making boats.
The Makey Makey sets were "way cool" and gave us all a lot to think about.  Using the mirrors with the blocks also meant some of us were introduced to the word "reflection"

Friday, March 15, 2019

Discovery Time Week 7

Today's Discovery activities were...
Nail polish, making table, marble mazes, cars with magnets and painting.

Our life skill for this term has been 'Managing Ourselves' and today we were looking at Persistence....Making sure that we keep trying when things aren't going too well fo us.
There was a calm, very focused approach to today's activities as each child just got on with what they wanted to do...

I was able to get some video footage today too...

Stopping Demonstration

On Thursday our whole school walked down to Aniseed Valley Road to watch a stopping demonstration. The demonstration highlights to the kids "The faster you drive the harder it is to stop"


Discovering cuisenaire rods

We spent some time finding out what was special about these different sized rods...
Some of the things the children said...
"The orange one is the longest"
"These ones all make the same size"
"These two make the same size as this one"
"Why are they different colours?"
"I can make a pattern"
"These ones are like steps"


Number bonds to 10

Looking at all the ways you can make 10...learning to write numbers and use a tens frame.


Saturday, March 9, 2019


Every week we spend time on the computers...This week we were working with 'Kid Pix'...learning how to use the drawing and text tools.


Thursday, March 7, 2019

Fun in the pool

Friday is our last day of swimming for this today it was a day to celebrate our time in the pool.