Sunday, May 27, 2018

Been a bit absent

Our blog posts have taken a bit of a break...very sorry I was away for a week and am just catching up on life now. All should be fine from now on....
Below is the slide show from Discovery Time last week.
Our activities were: Play dough, Marble art, Construction, Balloon target, and the Train set and we were practising how to give a 'compliment'.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Discovery Time

This week at Discovery Time our activities were...flip-boards, making table, autumn leaf pictures, leaf rubbings, and cup staking. The Hope School Life Skill this term is "Relating to Others". Within this skill we were focusing this week on 'Negotiating'. This meant that many of us were learning how to work together and take turns or share the class equipment. There was lots of negotiating needed at the cup staking activity as the boys found they could make a taller tower if they all joined together.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

A visit from a new puppy

Karen brought in her little puppy to visit us  Her name is Tilly. She is just 12 weeks old and very cute.


Puffer Fish Presentation

This week we were treated to a presentation from the Asthma Foundation...