Thursday, February 28, 2019

Rippa Rugby

Today we had our second session of Rippa Rugby Skills with two guys from the Maco's Academy. What a lot of fun!!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Learning Through Play

Don't you just love it when children get the opportunity to do their own investigations and learning.
I spent a bit of time in discussions with some kids today as they were investigating 'magnets' and 'spinning tops'. These were just a couple of the activities available today but they were the ones that created the most discussions. Unfortunately with this video is you don't get to see the conversations that we had previous to me filming. But I am sure you can see where times like these are so valuable to the kids.
I was equally excited by the 'making table' being dominated by the girls...usually this is the area the boys like to spend the bulk of their time but today this was a girls only zone and they are quie engrossed in what they were doing...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

This weeks activities were...Painting, stencil drawing, goop, puppets, and learning about an inclined plane (ramps)

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A slight change to our classroom

We have a couple of new children in Room 3. Lucky us!!!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Discovery Time Week 1

Our first Discovery session was full of fun.....
Water play, transporting using buckets, drawing, making table and making patterns with gems.

 This term our Life Skill Focus is "Managing Ourselves" and today we were looking at "Making Good Choices"

Room 3

These are the amazing children who are in Room 3 this term.