Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Life Education Truck visits Hope School.

Over the last few days we visited the Life Education truck and with the help of Ingrid and Harold we learnt more about the 'Zones of Regulation'.
We also learnt a very helpful breathing technique that will help calm us down if we find ourselves in the yellow or red zones.

The truck has some great technology enhancements which makes the learning even more fun. On the first day we went to the truck with room 4 and the second day we went on our own.


Sunday, August 18, 2019

Measurement - Volume

How many small cups of water will fill a container???
We've been looking at Measurement this term and lately it has been all about volume.
With our maths buddies we took turns using a dice to fill the chosen containers. There was also the maths strategy of "counting on" needed as they added to each others amounts. Good number links!!


Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Discovery Time week 3

Today we were learning about problem solving...There is no better way to learn about this than "Play"


Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Today we met a possum

Today our reading gran (Alison) brought in a baby possum. Wow how interesting!
It's not everyday you get to see one of these.